Alpha Painting Holidays

"Your First & Best Choice for a Painting Holiday"



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Paint Rivers, Lakes & Waterfalls in Watercolour

Stephen Coates

17th - 20th October 2025


Holidays Listing

Paint Rivers, Lakes & Waterfalls in

Watercolour with Stephen Coates.

Stephen will show you how to create

all aspects of painting water with a

unique and exciting approach. He will

explain how to perform expansive

washes, how to prepare the palette

and select colours and brushes.

Stephen has vast experience in the

techniques required and he explains

them clearly and concisely. Each day

will feature a different topic. Skies,

lakes, rivers, landscape features,

boats and reflections will all be


One of the biggest challenges with

painting any body of water is to

achieve a result where the water looks

real. Stephen will show you how to

look at the way reflections behave and

to learn how to represent them

effectively in your paintings. He will

also show you how to capture rapidly

cascading water such as in a waterfall

which presents a different challenge


Stephen will have some spare

materials to borrow from his studio

stock and also carries a mobile shop if

you don't have everything.

This holiday will give you an

unforgettable new experience and you

will return home completely inspired

with a whole new set of skills and

some exciting paintings that you should

be proud of.


Stephen Coates


Fri 17th October


Mon 20th October


Wye Valley


Bells Hotel





  Single Room


  Single Occ


  Double Occ


